Best Diabetologist in Indore

Best Diabetologist in Indore!

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects how your body regulates blood sugar. When left untreated, it can lead to serious health complications. Early detection and management are crucial, so recognizing the signs and symptoms is key. Some Common Symptoms are:

• Increased thirst and urination: Your body tries to flush out excess sugar through urine, leading to frequent bathroom trips and excessive thirst.

• Unexplained weight loss: Despite eating normally, you might experience weight loss due to the body's inability to use sugar for energy.

• Blurred vision: High blood sugar can damage blood vessels in the eyes, affecting vision.

• Fatigue and tiredness: The body struggles to use sugar for energy, leading to exhaustion.

• Slow-healing wounds and cuts: High blood sugar weakens the immune system, making healing slower.

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, consult the best Diabetologist Dr.Rita Gupta Patil at Shivaay Centre for Diabetes, Thyroid and Obesity in Indore MP. Book your Appointment Today.

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